Tag: google colab

ML Practice 9_3

LSTM(Long Short-Term Memory) When the sentence is long, the learning ability of RNN is poor. LSTM is designed to keep short-term memory long. 1234567891011from tensorflow.keras.datasets import imdbfr

ML Practice 9_2

Text Normalization: Pre-processing text for use as input data Cleansing 텍스트 분석에 방해되는 불필요한 문자 및 기호를 사전에 제거 ex) HTML, XML 태그 제거 Tokenization Sentence Tokenization- 문장, 마침표, 개행문자 등 문장 마지막을 뜻하는 기호를 따라

ML Practice 9_1

Sequential data meaningful in order such as text data, time series data Requires the function to remember previously entered data Text data text mining (representatively, sentimental analysis) natura

ML Practice 8_2

Prepare Fashion Mnist Data12345678from tensorflow import kerasfrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split(train_input, train_target), (test_input, test_target) =\ keras.datasets.fashion_mnis

ML Practice 8_1

CNN(Convolution Neural Network) Neural network operations can also be applied to two-dimensional arrays by CNN. Neuron in CNN is called filter or kernel. 12from tensorflow import keraskeras.layers.Co

Pipeline Tutorial

Pipeline : 데이터 누수(Data Leakge) 방지를 위한 모델링 기법 Pycaret, MLOps (Pipeline 형태로 구축) 머신러닝 코드의 자동화 및 운영 가능 기존 방식 데이터 불러오기 -> 데이터 전처리 -> 특성 공학 -> 데이터셋 분리 -> 모델링 -> 평가 파이프라인 방식 데이터 불러오기 ->

ML Practice 7_3

Create DNN Model12345678910from tensorflow import kerasfrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split(train_input, train_target), (test_input, test_target) = \ keras.datasets.fashion_mnist.lo

ML Practice 7_2

Prepare Dataset123from tensorflow import keras(train_input, train_target), (test_input, test_target) = keras.datasets.fashion_mnist.load_data() 1234567from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_

ML Practice 7_1

Fashion MNISTDeep Learning Library tensorflow : https://www.tensorflow.org/ pytorch : https://pytorch.org/ 12import tensorflowprint(tensorflow.__version__) 2.8.0 Load Data12from tensorflow import k

ML Practice 6_3

Dimensionaliy Reduction: Decreasing the size of the data by selecting some features that best represent the data To prevent overfitting and improve model performance PCA(Principal Component Analysis),