Archive: 2022

Crawling Headline News

Check the Website Info Access Developer Tools of the website and enter the Nework tab. Type ctrl + R and enter the Doc tap. Enter a site and check the Headers tap with the site. Copy the valu

Crawling Data from Web

Step 1. Set virtual environment Create a new directory under the C drive and virtual environment. 123$ mkdir crawling && cd crawling$ virtualenv venv$ sourve venv/Scipts/activate Install so

Spark Installation in WSL2

Step 1. Install required files Install java and spark file. (Skip if already installed.) 123$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk$ sudo wget

Spark Installation on Windows11

Step 1. Install Java DK Download Windows Installer. URL : Run the download file as an administrator. Modi

ElasticSearch and Kibana Setting in WSL 2

Step 1. Install Package Update the system package and install a package related to HTTPS. 12$ sudo apt update$ sudo apt install apt-transport-https Install Java and check the version of Java. 1234

Link VSCode with Remote WSL

Step 1. Install VSCode URL : Download the System Installer for each OS. Check ‘Add to PATH’ and reboot after installation. Step 2. Link Remote WSL Ins

Establishing an Airflow Data Pipeline

Step 01. Create a Virtual Data Create dags foler below (venv) airflow-test folder. 1234$ mkdir dags$ airflow.cfg airflow.db dags logs venv Install

Apache-Airflow Setting in Windows11 (WSL 2)

Step 1. Create a virtual environment Install pip and virtualenv package 12$ sudo apt install python3-pip$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv Create a virtual environment in c:\airflow-test folder 123456

WSL 2 Installation in Windows11

Step 1. Enable WSL-related features by DISM Run Windows Terminal as administrator Enable Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux Features 1$ dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Win

ML Practice 9_3

LSTM(Long Short-Term Memory) When the sentence is long, the learning ability of RNN is poor. LSTM is designed to keep short-term memory long. 1234567891011from tensorflow.keras.datasets import imdbfr